Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What was that?

Here is a photo taken by Tonyq.pro in collaboration with the House of Dig, photography (aka me). It's pretty much what it looks like- four passed out brides and a Mustang. We were tired from a long day of bride fighting. I though the photo was humorous and would fit well into a comic format. It was a little ambitious choosing so many girls to paint the detail on, but I think it was worth it. 

Speaking of comics, it's a wise investment to buy comics from living artists. Not only are you supporting their talent and helping them get a bite to eat, but you never know when value of the artist's work is going to skyrocket. Also if you stay true to your personal likes and desires, then you have style of your own and are not just a poser just buying something because it is trendy. 

If you would like to create your own comic book style image, click here for a free tutorial by 10steps.sg

Yield to TIGER BOY

Yield to TIGER BOY

Rarrr! Always a good idea to watch for tiger boys. 

To paste into an area using Photoshop is simple and quick. 

1.  Select what you want to be filled in
2.  Take another image you would like to use as the fill, select and copy image 
3.  Go to EDIT
      --- paste special
      --- paste into
4.   Drag around the image until you are happy with the placement  

     I turned down the opacity for a less harsh look, with a slight blend.
     I also changed the other sign to read: YIELD TO TIGER BOY for added humor.


photos by Malia Bush

to see more by Malia, visit maliab.net

Natalie's Rainbow

Natalie's Rainbow

In this experiment, I used a photo of Natalie that I took myself.  I used masking techniques and refine tool to show off her beautiful hair twirling through a rainbow. I turned up the radius until I was pleased with the appearance. And then feathered the hair just a tad. I also used the decontaminate color to bring out the vibrant color in the strands. I removed the barn and the bush from the background photo for a cleaner image. I love how the color of her skin looks as if it was bathed in the rainbow in which she is dancing.

Sunday, November 17, 2013



Although the lovely Raven already looks beautiful in this image I shot, I decided to use Photoshop to make some creative beauty touch ups. I decided that given the nature of the photograph, it would be appropriate to lighten her up, smooth her over, and make her lips more sultry. She does look very nice in red. I do not think it would be polite for me to go into a lot of detail about the changes I made, but the touched up version has gotten the works to all parts of the picture. My favorite effect has been on her eyes, which I emphasized the beautiful sparkle and witchy mischief.  

Boo la la

Dances with Kittens
        (a surreal movement)                       

Using masking techniques and the pen tool, I composed this surreal, whimsical situation of dancing with kittens. It's true, I love kittens and bright colors. I used my own art, sculptures I paint as sugar skulls, and superimposed my kitten's and my face over the sculptures. 

                                                             to see more art by Malia Bush go to maliab.net