Thursday, October 24, 2013

Remixing the World

In the video Is Photoshop Remixing the World, they discuss opportunities made available by limitless capabilities. Artists can do far more than they could ever do, shaping the way society perceives reality. We can shape the perception of reality to fit both perfection, and political views. The video gave an example of replacing guns in movies with a “thumbs up,” as an anti-violence statement, altering the meaning of the famous scenes while being charming and funny. Photoshop is remixing images in a way never possible before, conveying a message in a universal way, through the visual image. My concept is to take well know wonders of the world and remix them through a global turntable.    

sources :

photo by Malia Bush


                                                                                                painting by Malia Bush
                                                                                                   to see more of my art click here

Thursday, October 17, 2013

foggy imitation

The world's first photograph was taken in France by Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1862. It was an eight hour exposure involving light sensitive varnish, petroleum, and lavender.

I attempted to recreate the look by using a photograph that I took of San Francisco:

After turning the image black and white, I added noise and speckle to the photo, as well as a blur. I used an exposure layer and adjusted the gamma correction. I used the brightness and contrast layer to lower the contrast and brighten the photo a bit. This was largely a trial and error process for me. I enjoyed the contrast between the old city landscape and the ever busy San Fransisco. Oh, how the landscape had changed. 

to read more about the world's first photograph:  click here

Monday, October 7, 2013

the wright mask



The moon drops one or two feathers into the field.   
The dark wheat listens.
Be still.
There they are, the moons young, trying
Their wings.
Between trees, a slender woman lifts up the lovely shadow
Of her face, and now she steps into the air, now she is gone
Wholly, into the air.
I stand alone by an elder tree, I do not dare breathe
Or move.
I listen.
The wheat leans back toward its own darkness,
And I lean toward mine

Masks are great ways to expose an area without making permanent changes to the image. I found this much easier and more forgiving than a selection tool. You can non-destructively layer, isolating the opacity and color of a single item, by creating a layer mask and using your brush tool to expose the under image.

When you use the brush tool with black, it exposes the under layer. 
And when you use white, it puts back the layer on top.  

Creating a mask is easy. After you select the images you want to use:

1. Make a rough selection of the image you want on top with the lasso tool.  
2. Copy (control C).
3. Paste (control V) on the background image.
4. Make a mask using the layers and mask icon (square with circle inside).
5. Use your tool brush in BLACK to paint away unwanted top part of layer.

You can play around with the opacity of specific areas. And you can isolate filters, like black and white, too.

- to reset colors to black and white, just press D

Sources of the composed images:


to see more of my art, visit: